Strawberry mousse

Strawberry mousse

Impress your dinner party guests. Silky smooth and seductively sweet, this mousse is easy to whip up and looks fabulous served with slices of fresh strawberry on top.

  • Method

    1. Mousse

      Beat the cream, yoghurt , vanilla and 2 tablespoons of the icing sugar with an electric mixer with whisk attachment until very stiff peaks form. Refrigerate until required.

    2. Strawberries

      Reserve about 1/4 of the strawberries for topping the mousse. Blend the remaining strawberries and icing using a hand-held blender, blender or small food processor until smooth. Remove and set aside 1/2 cup of the puree.

    3. Mixture

      Fold the remaining puree into the cream mixture. Divide the reserved puree between 4 x 250ml serving glasses. Spoon in the mousse and refrigerate for about 1 hour or until firmed up slightly. Top with fresh strawberries and serve.

    4. Storage

      The mousse can be made up to a day in advance. Store covered in the fridge for up to 2 days.

  • Ingredients

    300ml thickened or whipping cream (35% fat)
    1/2 cup Greek-style yoghurt
    2 tsp vanilla bean paste
    1/2 cup icing sugar mixture
    2 x 250g punnets Driscoll’s strawberries, hulled and halved

    • Serves 4
    • Dessert
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