Strawberry and nut butter skewers

Strawberry and nut butter skewers

Here's a fun take on a classic where fresh berries take the place of the jelly, and straws first serve as kid-friendly skewers, and then can be used to finish a tall glass of milk!

  • Method

    1. Skewers

      Prepare a shallow bento box, 2 cupcake papers, a small circle cookie cutter, and three straws. Cut six circles from 2 bread slices using cookie cutter. Spread peanut butter on one side of two bread circles. Stack one bread disc, one banana slice, and a second bread disc into a mini sandwich. Pierce a guiding hole through centre of mini-sandwich using bamboo skewer. Thread straw through guiding hole. Spread peanut butter on hulled end of one strawberry. Thread strawberry onto one end of straw, peanut-butter end first, and push strawberry toward centre so peanut butter adheres to mini-sandwich. Repeat with remaining strawberry on opposite end of sandwich. Repeat procedure to make three strawberry and nut butter skewers and place them in the bento box.

    2. Bento box

      Fill remaining space with two cupcake papers. Fill one cupcake paper with 1/2 cup sugar snap peas and the other with 1/2 cup berries or other fruits or vegetables.

  • Ingredients

    2 tablespoons peanut butter, substitute nut butter of choice
    ½ cup sugar snap peas, washed and dried
    ½ cup Driscoll's raspberries, blueberries or some other healthy snack (ie. cut carrots)
    2 slices sandwich bread
    6 Driscoll's strawberries, hulled
    1 banana, sliced

    • Serves 1
    • Snack
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